勤恳踏实,对人真诚,富有责任心是我的性格特点,在研究生学习的三年中,分子生物学方向的基本技术已熟练掌握,例如分子克隆,基因连接,蛋白表达纯化,PCR技术,ELISA技术,病毒培养,细胞培养等,已刊出科研成果3篇,1)Qianda Cao,Anchun Cheng and Mingshu Wang. Characteristics and function of 3D gene and its encoding protein in picornavirus.Reviews in Medical Microbiology,2012, 23:18-22;2)Qianda Cao,Anchun Cheng and Mingshu Wang.Bioinformatic Analysis of the 3D Polyprotein from Duck Hepatitis A Virus Strain H Isolated in China.Advanced Materials Research,2013,647:396-402;3) Qianda Cao,Anchun Cheng and Mingshu Wang.Complete Nucleotide Sequence of 3D Gene from Duck Hepatitis a Virus Strain H Isolated in China.Advanced Materials Research,2013, 647:403-407。期望以后的工作能与自己的专业相关,踏实快乐的在自己的工作岗位上工作,并且期待在而立之年能够有所作为。一直以一颗勇敢的心面对新生事物,希望能用脚步来丈量前路的未知旅程!